Can You Get a Brazilian Wax When You’re Pregnant?

This question comes up a lot so I want to address it, and the answer is YES! You can wax all the way up until the birth of your baby. In fact, it’s better, especially if you need to be cut or taken for an emergency c-section. Waxing makes it easier for your doctor and you’ll eliminate any need for the doc to shave you. Obviously, they’re not doing it for aesthetics.

Here are a few recommendations the Expert Waxer has for you:

•   Have your first wax before you are pregnant. Your body is surging with hormones during pregnancy and hormones can make for a more intense waxing experience. By starting before pregnancy you begin to know what a wax feels like.

•    Wait at least 6 weeks after you’ve given birth to return for your next wax. This gives your skin time to heal from the birthing process.

•    Use natural products to avoid ingrown hairs. Your body experiences so many changes during pregnancy and ingrown hairs can become a bit of an annoying issue. I suggest using witch hazel and exfoliating gloves. You’ll want to avoid active products that could be an exposure risk to your baby.

•    Eventually, it’ll become difficult for you to see that area of your body so it’s best to leave it to professional and it’s nice personal care for yourself.

•    Don’t stress about your hair growth. It will go back to normal once you’ve quit breastfeeding.

From my viewpoint, babies come in waves and there was one full year in particular that it seemed to me like every client I had was pregnant. Ladies, nine months may seem like a lifetime while it’s going on but in truth, it’s going to fly by.

Be mindful to keep a positive attitude and keep up with the basics:




your pregnancy will be done in a blink

Don’t ever be embarrassed to get a Brazilian during your pregnancy as most professionals have had experience waxing pregnant women. The most important thing is to ask questions so you’re as comfortable throughout the whole process.

Questions? Contact me today.


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